Comfort Inn and Suites Terrace is looking for FT Hotel Managing

Comfort Inn & Suites Terrace is looking for F T Hotel Managing SupervisorPosition Hotel Managing SupervisorTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 19.25 22.00 per hour (depending on experience)Working hours 30 - 40 hours per weekBenefits 4% vacation pay Hot tub Gym and Employment discount from subsidiary companies Job Duties Requisition materials and supplies Establish work schedules and procedures and co-ordinate activities with other work departments Make sure computer systems equipment and machinery are operated smoothly Arrange for maintenance and repair work Co-ordinate assign and review work of other staffs Assist clients with special needs Hire and train staff in job duties safety procedures and company policies Resolve work-related problems and prepare and submit progress and other reports Job requirements Minimum 2 3 years of related experience required Educational Requirements Secondary school Language Requirement English Number of Positions 1 Location Terrace BCCompany information 1003730 B.C. LTD. dba Comfort Inn & Suites TerraceEmail address comfort.hire(at)mail.comBusiness address 5112 Hwy 16 W. Terrace BC V8G 5S6



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