Myra The Boutique Like Daughter Like Mother

Myra The Boutique Makes you Trendy Like Daughter Like Mother Mothers are often the first fashion idols and inspirations for their daughters And they love dressing up their little daughters in all things pretty. Now fashion statement that makes them together as invariably for a picture perfect moment is the mother-daughter twinning outfit.Myra The Boutique come with new trend Like Daughter Like Mother . There is nothing more lovely than wearing matching clothes with your daughter. Whereas little girls want to wear the same outfits as their mums because they want to look like to their them. How adorable is this twinning outfit About Product Myra makes that with off-white color Chikankari Kurti and the perfect shade of the green and cyan color Silk Dupatta with Golden Applique. We model it according to the latest trend that customers have look coupled with their charming daughters.



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