Room for rent in Oceanside

Room for rent in Oceanside in a nicehouse safe neighborhood. Parking of one car in front of the house. No street sweeper. Furnished Unfurnished. Utilities included WI-FI Cable TV water and trash collection gas and electric The room is freshly painted. New flooring ceiling fan and mirrored closet doors. Full house privileges except for garage.Monthly rent is 750.00 month including the monthly cleaning of your bathroom as well as all the utilities Except for use of heathers. A deposit of 750.00 is required to move in. (Returnable at move out).MALE PREFERRED. Sorry but NO smoking vaping pot other drugs allowed in or near the house. You must have a full time or part time job outside of the house.Minimun lease 6 months. Month to month contract. if interested please call or text me at (760) 717-1731The house is ten minutes drive to the beach to Camp Pendleton and to MiraCosta College. Walking distance to 24 hrs fitness and CVS farmacy on Frazee. Target. Walmart and Fitness 19 on College blv. and Lowe s on hwy 76. Lots of shopping restaurants and entertainment are only 5 min. from home.



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