2019 kia soul

Sparkling Silver 2020 Kia Soul LX FWD IVT 2.0L 4-Cylinder27 33 City Highway MPGWe know that prospective customers are extremely well educated when researching their next vehicle. Fredy Kia has made it easy to get all the available vehicle information so you can spend less time researching and more time enjoying your purchase. We believe in making this a transparent and enjoyable experience for our customers so all of our cars are priced competitively with Market Based Pricing.All pricing (Fredy discount rebates dealer cash promotions) Include Rebates finance rebates and trade in assistance on in stock only vehicles. Price does not include dealer added equipment. If you do not qualify for all rebates finance or trade rebates vehicle pricing is subject to change. Photos are checked for accuracy but are for illustration purpose only verify with dealer.Dealer Discount of 423 off MSRP Price includes 1 000 - Kia Customer Cash. Exp. 10 31 2019(less)



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