Sacramento Studio 119 Emerald Bay Lake Tahoe DATE NIGHT OPTION

5 00 PM - 8 00 PMDon t miss this amazing HOLIDAY SPECIAL ONLY 35 Regular price 45 Create your own 14 x 18 landscape or bring a date and combine your canvases to create one LARGE version of this painting Please let us know if you d like the double canvas version for you and your date by stating so in the comments box at check out.3 hours of professional art instruction And all art supplies included Don t forget that we allow you to BYOB wine or beer and snacks which makes this class even more affordable We also supply complimentary paper plates cups napkins plastic cutlery plastic wine glasses bottle openers designated food tables and a full refrigerator for your use Doors open 30 minutes before the class so please feel free to come in early pick your seat and enjoy some social time Please note that this class is for ages 21 and up due to the licensing for alcohol. Please check out our Family Room classes in Folsom for alcohol-free painting classes for ages 7 and up.Give the gift of creativity by purchasing Gift Certificates for the ones you love Gift Certificates can be purchased online from our website. They do not expire and can be used toward any class.



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