Skymax Qwikfold 3.0 Push Golf Trolley for Sale

The Skymax Qwikfold 3.0 Trolley is the ultimate way to carry your golf bag around a golf course. This fantastic trolley folds up with one movement and is locked and ready for use in one motion. The low profile wheels with dual S.S ball bearings offer excellent performance while its easy to use foot brake system allows you to keep the trolley still even on slopes. If the front wheel ever goes out of alignment it is simply fixed. This trolley also provides for golfers sizes as it features a height adjustable handle. This trolley also has many design features such as a deluxe scorecard holder with magnetic closure and built-in drink holder a score counter ball alignment marker all-weather TPR non-slip grip for playing in all weather conditions & a shaped handle for a comfortable feel. All you need and more for golfers who like their valuables and accessories in convenient places.Check this link and purchase for Qwikfold 3.0 Push Golf Trolley from Powerhouse Golf



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