Rare Animals surrounded by Nature. Munnar Wildlife Tour.

For the more adventurous who want to experience the wildlife in Munnar in their natural state they can do so at the Kerala Wilderness Jungle Retreat and can enjoy night safari in Chinnar too. There is Parambikulum Wildlife Sanctuary where you can see the unusual habitat of the three tribes up close and personal. Then there is a huge stretch of Annamalai Biosphere also known as the Elephant Hills where you can explore their biodiversity and gain some insight as to how we coexist with nature. Munnar is also a great place for honeymooners offering them various options of cruise in the backwaters of the cozy houseboats surfing along the many canals hiking the wonderful plantations of spice and coffee checking out their tea museums and history of the tea plants and coffee beans. Munnar is a place where your scope for explorations never ends. CONTACT - 9597678778



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