For more info please contact Caitlin caitlin(at)idealmachinery.com 248-627-3135 Description Model ES2000 450 Serial 6430-450-94 Year 1994 450 Ton 37.47 Oz Engel Control Toggle Clamp 30 x 30 Tiebars 43.78 x 43.39 Platen 27.56 Clamp Stroke 57.56 Daylight Max 11.81 30 Min Max Mold Height 11.81 Injection Stroke 2.756 Screw Dia. 22 582 PSI Injection Pressure 25-198 Screw Speed 8.85 Ejector Tonnage 9.45 Ejector Stroke 60 HP 21.2 kW Heater Power 58 GPM Pump Output 170 Gallon Oil Capacity 460 Volt 3 Phase 60 Hz Hours 84 583.5



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