Why did Shiv Sena come on the backfoot to make Aditya Thackeray

Before the announcement of Maharashtra assembly elections Shiv Sena was very aggressive about the first electoral warrior of Thackeray family. Banners and hoardings of Shiv Sena s new posterboy Aditya Thackeray were installed across Maharashtra including Mumbai. The news even came that if the alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party is not made then the Shiv Sena can go to the field by making Aditya Thackeray the chief ministerial candidate. But as the alliance with the BJP progressed Aditya began to be considered the face of the Deputy Chief Minister. Also read Rift in BJP-Shiv Sena alliance over Nitesh Rane s candidatureThese reports were further emphasized by the statement of Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut in which he claimed that Chandrayaan may not have landed properly on the moon but his Suryaan will definitely land on the sixth floor of the ministry. People used the meaning of Suryayan with Aditya Thackeray here. But now in an interview to Saamna Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray himself has removed the air of these reports. Uddhav made it clear that Aditya is contesting for the first time it does not mean that he should become the Chief Minister or Deputy Chief Minister in the first election.



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