Fully furnished apartment is on the top floor Bedford Stuyvesan

1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Sleeps 2 You ll be right at the heart of a trendy Brooklyn neighborhood with this one bedroom rental at Nostrand Avenue and Greene Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant (Bed-Stuy). The fully furnished apartment is on the top floor of a three story townhouse (four stories to Europeans) protected by a security system. Decorated in a sleek contemporary style with grey walls and leather furniture the living room offers a double futon two windows to the street for natural light and a cable TV. There is also a dining table with space for two perfect for enjoying homemade meals from the separate kitchen. There you ll find all the cooking essentials from the oven to the full-sized fridge and freezer. The bedroom is furnished with a double bed (140cm) and a built-in closet for storage with the windows facing the back of the building. In the bathroom you ll find a combo shower bathtub toilet sink mirror and a window for light and ventilation. Bed-Stuy is a rapidly evolving New York City neighborhood with a combination of local flavor and cosmopolitan character. You ll find lots of restaurants nearby whether you re looking for traditional Southern fare at Sugar Hill (.2mi 350m) or a spin on pizza and baked goods at hip SCRATCHbread (.3mi 400m). Green space and cultural amenities are just a block away at Herbert Von King Park and Cultural Arts Center (.2mi 250m). This rental is also great for students with the artsy Pratt Institute within walking distance (.7mi 1.1km). For transportation around New York you can access the subway at Bedford-Nostrand Avenues (.2mi 350m) on the G train or Nostrand Av (.6mi 1km) on the A and C trains. Amenities Air Conditioning Cable TV Pets not allowed Smoking not permitted No elevator 2 000 Per Month Details on our website s apartments-rent365.com s apartments-rent365.com property 1-bedroom-apartment-rental-in-bedford-stuyves ant-4 Call us 1-347-699-00-42



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