House for sale

Bhartiya City Nikoo Homes is a Residential Property Located in Kannur on Thanisandra Main Road, Bangalore, Bhartiya City Nikoo Homes Bangalore is situated at a serene spot. It is offering luxurious apartments. The project offers plenty of benefits that includes prime location, comfortable and lavish lifestyle, great amenities, healthy surroundings and high return. Comforts and Amenities: The amenities offered in Bhartiya City Nikoo Homes Are Indoor Games, Community Hall, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Play Area, Intercom, Rain Water Harvesting, Lift, Club House, Library, Health Facilities, Tennis Court, Badminton Court, Wi-Fi, Cafeteria, Maintenance Staff, Jogging Track, Temple, 24Hr Backup Electricity, Basket Ball Court, Table Tennis, Party Area, ATM, Outdoor games and Security. All these features together assure many choices to relax, revitalize and relish at own home. Apart from that, suitable security devices are installed to ensure safety to the residents 24*7.



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