Plant Manager- Food

SUMMARY Management Business Solutions is seeking a Plant Manager for our client in suburban Detroit MI. This person will be responsible for managing food production operations staffing and supervision packaging quality and lean manufacturing. The ideal candidate will have experience in a production environment managing people as well as equipment and processes for safe and profitable growth. RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible for managing food production facility and equipment maintenance warehouse operations and office support staff. Manage the budget P& L and capital improvements. Play a leadership role in the maintenance and enhancement of Lean Manufacturing safe food production and expansion of processing capacity. Ensure compliance with all applicable Federal State and local product and personnel safety and quality standards. Establish a culture of engagement and set the strategic direction for the team. QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Arts or Science degree in Business or Operations Management Mechanical or Industrial Engineering Industrial Technology or related field required. 10 years of management responsibility in a manufacturing environment. 2 years of recent food manufacturing experience required. Mechanical background and familiarity with processing and packaging equipment preferred. Working knowledge of and experience with SQF and USDA requirements. MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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