1965 Mustang

Check out this beautiful rebuilt 1965 Ford Mustang. Under the hood is a 3.3L 200 CID L-6 engine fresh out of the performance shop with D.U.I. electronic performance distributor with a 2.77 3 speed floor mount transmission which has been serviced prior to installation. It has a re-manufactured auto-lite 1101 carburetor new starter alternator exhaust with less than 100 miles on the engine. Installed sound deaden-er and insulation along with Dynaliner heat black. Paint job is in good shape. Sitting on a set of Cragar S S s rims still look good. Head lights tail lights turn signals brake lights wipers heater blower horn gas gauge cigarette lighter and speedometer all work. It has drum brakes 1968 rear end instrument cluster is original with all new gauges and rear air shocks. Everything else from the rear bumper to the front is new New floor pans from trunk to front all seals replaced on doors trunk and hood new dash pad Complete new wiring carpet steering everything top to bottom to include steering gear box new lights tail and front. Engine compartment new inner apron & shock tower. New gas tank. New windshield new rear window. Doors driver side all internal parts replaced passenger side didn t need a complete rebuild. This vehicle is drivable and currently registered and tagged in the State of Alabama.



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