rak insurance ltd. jobs

RAK INSURANCE LTD.date of interview 3.12.2019 to 30.12.2019head offices adress rakesh gupta mig- 106 vikas nagar vistar fertilizer gorakhpur u.p. 273007mobile 9780286068 email gupta_rakesh5(at)yahoo.com webste www.cttds.intpo & placement of the college also give me freser students walk in interview for boys & grils(new biodata & three passportsize photo in interview time ) training 4 month charge 3.5 lakhpost insurance agent (only automobiles).Total post 100 boys & grilsafter training 8 to 10 thousand per month & others.qulification grauate bba mba ferser etc. post insurance trainer insurance inspector & insurance agentTotal post 1 personqulificateion grauate bba mba etc.exp. 5 to 10 year exp. in automobile insurance company.salary 15 thousand per monthafter one year you are parmanant.



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