6th Floor Apartment In Downtown Bellevue(0 deposit 0 admin feeup

s www.theparkmetro.com 1 Bed X 1 Bath 6th floor apartment in downtown Bellevue with great views of the surrounding towers. Apartment rent is 1898 per month 125 for parking (total 2023 per month). Apartment has roof access and valet trash service 5 days a week. I am current renter and would vacate on or before 09 27 2019 as I am moving out of state for a new job. The lease period is till 06 30 2020. I am looking to transfer the lease to interested parties. You would save on deposit ( 250) and non-refundable admin fees ( 250) which is fully paid. Also rent utilities is fully paid till 09 30 2019. If you are interested in lease transfer I am ready to share your moving expenses upto 500.Attaching pictures of the apartment. Contact me at 650 422 9662 if you are interested.



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