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Dislike your 9 - 5 grind And not making enough to get ahead Not enough time to spend with your loved ones Fed up with working tirelessly to build someone else s fortune A few years ago if you would have told me I would be able to spend my days hanging with my loved ones instead of slaving away at a career I once enjoyed Be able to pay my bills without worry Buy my dream cars and my dream homes I would not have believed you. But before I tell you how I m able to wake up every morning whenever I please to spend my day at the beach work when I want to work and spend the day with my family I want to share where I started from so you can see that you and I are not so different and creating the lifestyle of your dreams is simply just a matter of thinking bigger and making a decision to take action I struggled I was married just right after turning 18 years old while working at Kmart for my first job.It was stressful. I almost did not graduate high school.I eventually graduated high school from the big city I grew up in and moved to Germany to be with my husband. It was a total culture shock and I had to learn new laws and culture so at times I had to learn how to speak the language learn how to read signs and learn the transportation system since I could not drive.After a few years we came back to the United States and we ended up getting divorced.Nine months later I ended up having my child (who was a blessing) and was a single mother at this time.My parents gave me some choices to make either go to school and get a job or take my child and figure life out on my own. I got a job and enrolled in school where (after many years) I actually ended up getting a Bachelor s and a Master s Degree while working in a prison facility as a detention officer spending most of my time away from the people I loved... and all for what A bigger paycheck The work environment and morale was so horrible that everyday there felt like a part of my soul was dying and I was missing the most important years of my child s life and could not go on living this way I packed up my household and decided with a friend to move to New Mexico where I thought I would have a normal work schedule and be able to raise my child.Yes I struggled as a single parent and had various experiences in life but I met a special person who became a dad to my child encouraged me to go back to school and become a teacher (we are still together).Although I have been a teacher for 11 years and teaching can be rewarding it is not what it used to be and the hours are long (7 00 a.m. 5 00 p.m. daily weekends) and have taken over my life (not to mention the pay is not very good either). The light at the end of the very long dark lonely tunnel came when I was surfing the internet and looking for a second job to help make ends meet and to pay my high student loans that I racked up. I came across an ad on Facebook that this woman had posted and at the end it stated 100% legit. She was making an absolute KILLING online using a simple system that even a teacher like me could master . She showed me a way that I did not have to chase down a single friend or family member to make them feel sorry for me and buy something from me I remember when I made my very first 50 commission I know it was not much but it proved my dreams were possible I knew that if I could make 50 I could make 100 and if I could make 100 I could make 1000 I have now been able to make 3 times more in a single month than I used to make in an entire year I am beyond grateful. I know money is not everything but it sure gives you a heck of a lot more options in life I now get to spend QUALITY time with my family and friends making memories doing the things we love.We get to travel We get to actually LIVE We are HAPPY... we are FREE No one should have to miss his or her children growing up .No one should have to sacrifice special moments in life just to put food on the table No one should have to choose between work and family If you are tired of working like a slave building someone else s empire while missing life send me a personal message or register on the link below.I want to hear your story The information that was shared with me can help you too...Please share this post with anyone you think it might help Sincerely Sandra Register for our complimentary live online workshop here to learn more about what we do (sandras-marketing.com)



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