Moving Sale - Estate Sale - Moving Sale - By Appointment Only.

Estate Sale - Moving Sale - By Appointment Only.Antique Porcelain Collection from West to East Cultures (collected for many years). Famous Brands collection tea sets dinner and plates sets original paintings jewelry nice solid wooden dinner table with 4 chairs jewelry pure leather large reclining sofa solid wood coffee table sofa table solid wood sofa bed books sewing machines knitting Machine - Model 120 decorative flowers antique porcelain garden drum stools stainless steel cookware bamboo window covers dolls statues clothing shoes Kitchen Aid coffee maker machine foot massage machine bike exercise equipment kitchen stuff table bed cover sets 1996 Lincoln Continental 32V INTECH V8 and much more. Location 460 Mariners Drive League City TX 77565 - The Regatta Townhomes at Waterford Yacht Club Cell Phone 713-412-4288 By Appointment Only. Price is Negotiable.



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