2018 Keystone Hideout 25RKSW Trailer For Sale

2018 Keystone Hideout 25RKSW Trailer. Purchased the trailer in 2018. Still in great condition. I am looking for someone to either take over the loan or to just purchase it. Currently there is 36 620.80 left towing on the loan. I pay 272.53 a month on it. Or I will sell it at best offer. 29ft-11 inches long. Sleeps 4. 50 inch tv included Has air conditioning tri fold sleeper sofa spare tire with cover rear ladder new queen size mattress power awning also has a exterior kitchen with small. Fridge and stove. Comes with dishes pots sewer hose kit leveling blocks hitch lock wheel lock two propane tanks 12 volt battery. Never been smoked in. If you want more information and pic of floor plan. Financing available. Please call at 403-803-3509 if interested



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