Transportation Company Hiring for Multiple Positions

Busy trucking company located in Melrose Park IL. is seeking to fill multiple positions We are looking for an OnBoarding Processor and a OTR Dispatcher. See the qualifications below for each position OnBoarding ProcessorExperience in transportation and safety is preferred as well experience with Tenstreet and Hireright is also a plus.Daily Responsibilities include processing qualified applications including verification of previous employment and pulling driver MVR s PSP and or DAC reports.We offer a competitive salary paid weekly paid holidays PTO time and health insurance after successfully completing the probationary period.Requirements Experience in the transportation industry preferred Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment Excellent verbal and written communication skills are needed Knowledge and proficiency with Tenstreet and Hireright is a plus OTR DispatcherJOB RESPONSIBILITIES - Planning trips for up to 15 trucks - Using freight booking platform to book freight - Establishing new relationships with customers - Timely order entry - Proactive shipment tracking and broker alerts for anticipated scheduling delays - Maintaining strong relationships with drivers - Participating in on-call after hours and weekend duties as needed.QUALIFICATIONS - Minimum 1 Year Dispatch Experience (Knowledge of Reefer) - HS Diploma or Equivalent - Ability to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently - Fluent in English - Computer savvyIf you feel that you meet the necessary requirements for either of these positions please submit your resume with salary requirements to roxanne(at) for immediate consideration.



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