Stunning Townhouse for Sale

The living is easy in this impressive generously proportioned contemporary residence and very very CLEAN. Wood floors and tile flooring. Beautiful updated light fixtures and flooring this house encompasses spacious bedrooms with plenty of room for sleep and storage luxurious bathrooms and a sleek and stylish kitchen that flows through to the dining room and a large New Trex deck where they can enjoy the view and the basement is a walk out to the fenced rear yard. This lovely house is equipped with a 2 year new AC and wood flooring on stairs with loads of storage underneath. The garage can accommodate 2 cars and has a high end organizational unit built in. This home is ideally positioned to enjoy the proximity to cafes and restaurants shopping center and many commuter options. 4.2 miles to Huntington Metro 6.7 miles to Van Dorn Metro and close to Reagan National Airport.



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