Luxury Location and Convenience At Below Market Price

Location Community Quality Living. It Starts Here Love Where You Live Great Investment Opportunity For Cash Buyers Investors High-end Stony Point home with endless possibilities. Literally nothing to do except bring your wardrobe - even some furnishings are available. Beautifully finished basement and large family room with fireplace. This home is nestled in mountains visible from all sides. Bring all your toys as plenty of room to park. HIGH DEMAND 5 3.5. Buy now OR flip - your options are limitless. Great location This one will go quick Property Location - 51 Pyngyp Rd Stony Point NY 10980 Details - 5 beds 3.5 baths 3 499 sq ft 32 670 sq ft 0.75 acres Lot Current Market Value - 619 054- 681 000Inspection Thursday August 15th - 5-6PM Starting price is 499K but will go to the highest offer.Also visit For more information about the property call Becky at - (845) 244-0771



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