2019 Gravely ZT HD 52 Zero Turn Mower Lawn 991164

The ZT HD from Gravely elevates expectations of style comfort speed and precision. A 1 Selling Machine in its class and built to commercial standards for power and durability the only thing that makes this a residential mower is that it lived at your house. Key Features10-Gauge Fabricated Deck The 5.5-inch deep deck delivers superior airflow to handle challenging mowing conditions and includes a reinforced leading edge.Fully Welded Tubular Frame The ZT HD offers a superior and more robust welded tubular frame offering the integrity of a commercial frame in a residential package.Hydro-Gear ZT-3100 Transmissions Switch gears from ordinary performance with a commercial-grade high-efficiency design that delivers responsive control and increased torque.SpecificationsModel 991164Deck Size 52 in.Engine Manufacturer Kawasaki FR V-TwinEngine Rating 23 hp 726 ccDrive System Hydro-Gear ZT-3100 TransaxlesFuel Capactiy 5.0 gal. (18.9 L)Ground Speed 8 4 mph (12.9 6.4 km h)Acres HR 4.2CARB Compliant Model 991184Accessories2-Bucket BaggerMulching KitOperator-Controlled Chute BaffleDischarge Cover Kit Stock 991164 Feel free to email all inquiries to andy(at)tuggertrailers.com anthone(at)tuggertrailers.com johnsr(at)tuggertrailers.com or come visit us on our website at www.tuggertrailers.com or at our storefront location 1945 I-30 West Greenville TX 75402



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