2019 Gravely ZT X 52 Zero Turn Mower Lawn 915174

The ZT X combines zero-turn efficiency with legendary Gravely performance. Fully welded tubular frames intuitive deck systems and all-day comfort bring commercial grade precision to any yard. Key FeaturesFully Welded Tubular Frame This fully welded tubular frame is a professional-grade backbone tough enough to get the job done in your backyard.Dual Arm Deck Lift The deck lift features a four-point hanging system for deck stability and even cutting performance.Seating Comfort This plush high-back seat with armrests ensures upgraded comfort for longer mowing sessions.SpecificationsModel 915230Deck Size 52 Engine Manufacturer Kawasaki FR V-TwinEngine Rating 23 HP 726 CCDrive System Hydro-Gear EZT TransaxlesFuel Capactiy 2.8 gal (10.59 L)Ground Speed 7 3 mph (11.3 4.8 km h)Acres HR 3.7CARB Compliant Model 915236Accessories2-Bucket BaggerMulching KitLED Headlight Kit8-inch Chrome Wheel Covers Stock 915174 Feel free to email all inquiries to andy(at)tuggertrailers.com anthone(at)tuggertrailers.com johnsr(at)tuggertrailers.com or come visit us on our website at www.tuggertrailers.com or at our storefront location 1945 I-30 West Greenville TX 75402



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