Specifications 30 cm (12 ) Guide Bar Length 210 cc Chain Oil Capacity 1 4 STIHL Picco Oilomatic Chain AK Battery Series Up to 40 minutes run time w AK 30 3.8 kg (8.4 lbs) powerhead weight w AK 30 Features Reduced-Emission Engine Technology Lightweight Portability STIHL Quickstop Plus (Q) STIHL Quickstop Ematic Lubrication System STIHL Electric Brushless Motor Quick Chain Adjuster Rubberized Soft Touch Handle Stock MSA 140C Feel free to email all inquiries to morgan(at)tuggertrailers.com or tiffany(at)tuggertrailers.com or come visit us on our website at www.tuggertrailers.com or at our storefront location 1945 I-30 West Greenville TX 75402 or call us at (903) 454 - 1123



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