2019 Gravely Pro Turn 148 22hp Kawasaki Lawn Zero Turn 991128

FEATURESX-Factor II DeckX-Factor II DeckThe 7-gauge X-Factor II Deck is fabricated from top to bottom providing industrial strength peace of mind that s reinforced with an exclusive limited lifetime warranty.CBT SystemOur exclusive Constant Belt Tension System (CBT) ensures that belt tension is maintained keeping the blade tip speed and cutting results consistent.Seating SystemSeating SystemA full-suspension seat provides added lateral stability and improved durability with vibration control and a 4-inch seat slide for all-day comfort.Features the 22hp Kawasaki FX691 Motor Stock 991128 Feel free to email all inquiries to andy(at)tuggertrailers.com anthone(at)tuggertrailers.com johnsr(at)tuggertrailers.com or come visit us on our website at www.tuggertrailers.com or at our storefront location 1945 I-30 West Greenville TX 75402



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