Getting Help for Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is an amazing system that offers monthly support to individuals if they have restricted abilities in finding employment mainly due to a disability. Most people who are covered under the social security disability insurance law have physical disabilities. The Social Security Administration has rules which help determine when a person is qualified for benefits. It is possible that you may meet all these rules and yet your application for SSDI benefits is denied. Do not panic in such situations because it is possible to resolve such issues.Welcome to Ladas Law Firm where renowned Attorney J. Stephen Ladas aims to help people obtain SSDI benefits. We can handle the case and complete all the paperwork which is typically quite complicated and overwhelming. We will check the reasons why your application has been denied and we will help with the reconsideration process which must be initiated within 60 days of a denial. If your reconsideration request has been denied Attorney Ladas will appeal to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. To learn more about Social Security Disability Insurance please check our website or call us at (781) 829-9191. Contact Information Ladas Law Firm P.C. 90 Rockland Street Suite 4 Hanover MA 02339 USA



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