GRANT-IN-AID SCHEME UNDERSITA RAM JINDAL FOUNDATION (Objects)The Sitaram Jindal Foundation Jindal Aluminium Ltd. and various other related Societies Trusts have been giving recurring and non-recurring donations to other charitable institutions having similar objectives throughout the country for a long time.(Proposal Considered Under)Large non-recurring donations are given to various institutions for construction of hospitals school buildings acquiring medical equipment s etc. (Requirement)Any (charitable) institution desirous of getting donation for furtherance of its charitable activities may obtain. 80G or 35AC or 35(1)(ii) etc. of Income Tax Act any one is mandatory (Budget) 10 to 15 Lakhs Service Charges Rs. 15000 (Project making submission & follow-up) (Payment can be made in any mode) Accounts Info will be available if needed. Success is when your signature becomes autograph Doorstep Service for NGO Solutions . Annual Report (per year) New Registration Trust Society Documentation & Registration under FCRA Registration under 12 A of Income Tax Act 1961 & Exemption under 80 G of Income Tax Act 196 Web Designing Project Proposal for the Exemption under 35 AC of Income Tax Act 1961 Registration of Society Trust Deed Preparation of Project Proposal exactly as per guidelines Preparation (Making) of Project Proposal exactly as per guidelines & Charges be not refundable ProjectTotal Budget 1 % Making Charges Thanks & Regards Note - Charges of any documentation Project proposal making submission and follow-ups are non-refundable. Mr. TarunKSD NGO Consultancy Services A-14 Gazipur Village East Delhi- 110092 M. No- 7834927498Email id. ksdconsultancyservicestarun(at)



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