Part of the AI Series the BGA 45 handheld blower delivers the power you need at an incredible value. It is exceptionally quiet and lightweight at 4.4 lbs. including integrated battery. On a single charge the BGA 45 can clear more than 13 parking spaces (2 153 square ft.) with a blowing speed of 85 mph and an air volume of 235 cfm. If you own a small property and need a quick go-to blower for your driveway and walkways the BGA 45 is the complete package.Usage claim tested and verified by an independent third-party test laboratory. Run time may vary based on battery type charge level and capacity model operating style and conditions. Comes with integrated battery and charger.BLOWING FORCE 5 NewtonsAIR VOLUME AT NOZZLE 400 m3 h (235 cfm)MAX. AIR VELOCITY 44 m sec (98 mph)AVG. AIR VELOCITY 38 m sec. (85 mph)SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL60 (dB(A))POWER SOURCEBatteryBATTERY SERIESAI SeriesWEIGHT (w Integrated Battery)2.0 kg (4.4 lbs.)RUN TIME (w Integrated Battery)Up to 10 minutes Stock BGA 45 Feel free to email all inquiries to morgan(at)tuggertrailers.com or tiffany(at)tuggertrailers.com or come visit us on our website at www.tuggertrailers.com or at our storefront location 1945 I-30 West Greenville TX 75402 or call us at (903) 454 - 1123



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