Project Management Professional Certification

PMP is an industry recognised credential for project managers based on PMBOK Guide offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) which adds value and credibility to the expertise of project management professionals. This equips trainees with essential project management skills through real-time project implementation based Case studies. PMP serves as an objective endorsement of core project management knowledge and experience at global level which benefits in increased credibility high market value and higher pay. This helps in understanding the global language of project management connects trainees to a community of professionals organizations and experts worldwide. Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Quality Management Project Human Resource Management Project Communications Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Project Stakeholder Management Professional Responsibility Mock Exam and Test Simulation PMP is an industry recognised credential for project managers based on PMBOK Guide offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) which adds value and credibility to the expertise of project management professionals. This equips trainees with essential project management skills through real-time project implementation based Case studies. PMP serves as an objective endorsement of core project management knowledge and experience at global level which benefits in increased credibility high market value and higher pay. This helps in understanding the global language of project management connects trainees to a community of professionals organizations and experts worldwide. Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Quality Management Project Human Resource Management Project Communications Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management Project Stakeholder Management Professional Responsibility Mock Exam and Test Simulation



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