BBW Mexican America seeking someone special

Hello I am a 32 year old mexican american woman. I am 5 6 ft in. tall. I weigh 288 lbs. and I have a very plain homely appearance. I do not have a college degree-only high school graduate.I love watching YT and movies especially Quentin Tarrentino films and other action adventure or commedic films. I am somewhat shy but once I get to know you I become a little more socialble and enjoy having conversations. I am currently trying to go out more and try different kinds of foods and restaurants. But of course all in moderation right Lol..I like men who are the opposite of me Tall and fit-but in a healthy way. I like guys who like to dress appropriate and sharp. I do not like men who are into gang member or biker looks. No sagging pants nore extremely tight pants. I dress very plainly but I am currently working on that. I also like men who have strong personalities and like to take charge and lead. Men who are ambitious have these qualities. I like men who also like to have conversations as this helps me be a little more social. Please feel free to contact me if your interested. I hope to hear from you soon. By the way you can also contact me on WhatsAp under Maira Favela



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