Income Tax Filing Company in India

In case of a business tax audit would be required if the total sales turnover or gross receipts in the business exceeds Rs.1 crore in any previous year. A taxpayer may want to file his income tax return for reporting his income for a financial year carrying forward losses claiming an income tax refund etc. An income tax return is a form which enables a taxpayer to declare his income expenses tax deductions investments taxes etc. The Income Tax Act 1961 makes it mandatory under various scenarios for a taxpayer to file an income tax return. The Income Tax Department provides the facility for electronic filing (e-filing) of an income tax return. Before discussing the steps involved in the e-filing of income tax return it is essential for a taxpayer to have the necessary documents at the ready. Contact usKinfo Spectrum ServicesAbha Cottage Gachhi Tola Station RoadNear Champa Bawan BegusaraiBihar 8511018676859933kundan.service(at)yahoo.coms



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