Khoya Making Machine

We are the leading Manufacturer of Khoya Making Machine Milk Processing Plant Bulk Milk Cooler Milk Pasteurizer etc. Our products are designed keeping in mind the industrial standards so that they can meet the expectations of the client. We are able to manufacture a qualitative range of Khoya Making Machine that is used for the making khoya. The offered gamut is rigorously inspected on predefined quality parameters by our quality controllers in order to ensure its flawlessness. Owing to features like trouble-free performance smooth operation easy usage rugged design and longer service life the offered khoya making machine is high in demands amongst our clientele.With an experience of more than a decade we are fulfilling the needs of our esteemed clients by offering Khoya Making Machine Manufacturers. The provided machine is used in making delectable khoya applicable for milk based sweets preparation in varied food processing units. These machines are available in two models as stationary and tilting type for fast production. These are hygiene & GMP model having capacities 20 to 150 Liters. The kettles are as flat and concaved pan type (Depend upon type of the work) ensuring their high operational fluency less power consumption easy installation user-friendly design impeccable performance and longer service life.Being the foremost names of the industry we are involved in providing an extensive range of Diesel Operated Electric Khoya Making Machine. Owing to high demand our products are available in varied specifications. We are committed to fabricating the best quality and cost-effective machines in the market with technical expertise and immense knowledge. In order to achieve high standards in our products we have developed a streamlined quality management system in our entire business operation.Name Arvind KumarMobile No. 91-9899016310 91-9871374668Website arumandsteelindustries.comEmail ID arumandsteel(at)gmail.comPrice is Negotiable..



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