OfficeRetail Virtual Spaces on Lawyer s row in downtown Wilmingt

Various sized rental units for Retail or Office space.Depending on the size and location the rent is from 300 month to 1000 month. Also virtual offices at 50 month with mail service for an additional 25 month.Electric heat air included in the rent.YOU CAN PAY A REASONABLE RENTAL FOR an OFFICE and HAVE IMPRESSIVE AMENITIES FOUND IN A LARGE OFFICE BY 1. SHARING the 1ST FLOOR LARGE MODERN COLONIAL RECEPTION AREA LOBBY for your clients to enter and wait for you.2. SHARING the 1ST FLOOR LARGE FORMAL MODERN CONFERENCE ROOM to meet with your clients.3. SHARING ANOTHER 2nd FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM ADJOINING THE OFFICE.4. SHARING the 1ST FLOOR UPDATED RESTROOM.The 2ND FLOOR ALSO HAS 2 MORE RESTROOMS.Call Larry Ramunno at 302-656-9400



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