USA Vein Clinics

At USA Vein Clinics we re dedicated to bringing non-invasive vein treatment to people across the country. To serve as many patients as possible we offer numerous clinics nationwide including one in Altoona Pennsylvania.Located on 12th Avenue our clinic in Altoona Pennsylvania offers varicose vein and spider vein treatment that meets the needs of busy adults like you. The doctors at our state-of-the-art Altoona treatment center provide convenient non-invasive treatment for the following vein problems Varicose veins Reticular veins Spider veins May-Thurner syndrome Non-healing ulcer wounds Our experienced doctors specialize in treating vein diseases using non-invasive outpatient treatments such as EVLT and Sclerotherapy both of which have full Food and Drug Administration approval and require minimal downtime for recovery. At USA Vein Clinics treatment generally takes about 15 to 30 minutes so you can receive the vein care you need without disrupting your schedule or undergoing the stress of surgery.Receive Quality Vein Care From Doctors You TrustWhen you first arrive at our Altoona clinic you ll begin with a comprehensive consultation to help determine the cause of your symptoms. Then your doctor will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that will get to the root of your vein issues. We ll strive to provide all the information and support you need to feel confident in your treatment choices. USA Vein Clinics1701 12th Ave (Intowne Square) Building G-1 Altoona PA 16601(814) 201-6006 s locations altoona-pa-12th-eve office.altoona(at)



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