Gupta Dental Clinic Provide Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal disease is a serious bacterial infection of your gums that can cause tooth loss in 75% of adults if left untreated. This infection is often undetected as the symptoms are noticeable only after the infection has spread and needs clinical treatment. Gum Disease or Pyorrhoea is the most common dental disease which can affect at any age but more commonly it affects after the age of 30 years. Gums are as important as your teeth. As we are unable to see any underlying conditions it is important to get regular check ups done for the same. Our in-house specialists are trained to provide the most accessible treatment for your gum disease in Gurgaon.Website periodontal-treatment.htmlClinic Address H.No 1280 Main Market Opposite Community Center Sector-31 Gurgaon WORKING HOURS Monday to Saturday Morning 09 00 AM to 01 30 PM Evening 05 00 PM to 8 30 PM Sunday 09 00 AM-01 30 PM



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