Work in the food industry

December 4th 2019 JOB FAIR End the year with a new career - December 4th job fair will have hundreds and hundreds of jobs just waiting for YOU Where else can you go to visit with many employers in one day one room and hundreds of jobs Be prepared. Bring plenty of current resumes smile dress to impress be confident ask questions this is your time to find your dream job career.December 4th JOB FAIR Comfort Inn & Suites at 7007 Grover St in Omaha 1-4 p.m. One block off the interstate on the bus route (bus 13 connections can be made downtown or any bus that goes to the Aksarben transfer stop) FREE parking at the hotel.Employers already registered to attend and HIRE Expect 20-30 employers AloricaAmber PharmacyAmerican LaboratoriesBerkshire Hathaway Homestate CompaniesBickford Assisted LivingCapital Express Inc.Custom Diesel Drivers TrainingDRM Arby s Inc.Glenwood Resource CenterGordman s Distribution CenterHy-Vee Inc.Love s Travel StopsOmaha Home for BoysSAS Retail ServicesRetail OdysseyStaff Mid-AmericaSuccess OmahaUS ArmyWorldwide Access Solutions Inc.AND more to come with weeks to go before the event.Check out the job postings on the website - hundreds of great jobs listed on the website with direct links to each employer. There are jobs available NOW go to job postings NOW.Not sure what to do at a job fair Click on the job seeker button and then the Tips For Attending A Job Fair button and watch the video about job fairs.questions email jobsguide(at) jobs job jobfair jobfairs Nebraskanews jobfairsNebraska JobsGuide hiring employment whoshiring Omaha Lincoln Nebraska jobsforall food cooking chef restaurant fastfood meals eat eating outtoeat wheretoeat dishes baking



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