vacation apartment

The house has retained many of its period features and is tastefully decorated with a mixture of antique and modern furniture. It is very light and thoughtfully arranged. The owner is a gourmet cook so the kitchen has every device and appliance. There is an American style BBQ gas grill in its own outdoor area. There are 3 double bedrooms. Starting at the top of the house the bedroom on the 2nd floor has twin beds which can also be joined to make a king sized bed. On the half landing below is a shower room with power shower and a douche hose next to the toilet. On the first floor is the master double bedroom with ensuite bathroom with shower in the bath toilet and bidet. On the half landing below is a shower room and toilet. This landing leads to a sunny terrace with seating for 8. Then on the ground floor is the sitting room. It is light and airy with windows at both ends. It has a quality sofabed which makes into a double bed. On the half landing below the sitting room is the third bedroom TV family room. The bed is a very comfortable queen size sofabed. This bedroom leads to the BBQ patio - best only used by those used to gas BBQs Finally on the lower ground floor is the dining room with the adjacent very well equipped kitchen recently enlarged. There is also a single airbed which can be put in one of the bedrooms for a child if needed. Child s crib as wellLess



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