CHURCH LOANS (New Haven Area)Minimum Loan 75 000 Interest rates as low as 3.15% NO obligation free QUOTE. PURCHASE REFINANCE RENOVATION CONSTRUCTION No personal guarantees. High loan to values many of our church loan products offer up to 80% of the real estate value. We also have products that allow the church to borrow up to 90% using a first and second trust loan. No CPA prepared financials. No Tax returns. And no upfront fees. Furthermore we will analyze your request in two business days and provide a written offer. Subject to underwriting guidelines. 20 and 25-year fixed loans with no balloons Interest only payments 5 7 10 year fixed loans with 15 20 and 25-year amortizations Also loans based on equity and not credit for those churches that are in trouble with their current lender Consolidate to a lower rate Eliminate high-interest debt Quick 2 minute form No SSN required No credit check conducted Your information is kept private Consultation with no Obligation No Hassle 203 971 8440 (leave message) info(at)



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