Home for Sale

Inviting and immaculate home in a great location in SUGARMILL WOODS on a quiet cul-de-sac lot with no build behind and across. Beautiful enclosed Lanai for a wonderful area to relax and enjoy life. Beautiful landscaping and greenbelt area surround this tranquil setting. Three car attached garage with storage big enough to fit a small trailor or boat privacy pull up screen. This entire home has been upgraded with unique and custom decorative touches. There are three sets of sliders that go out to the lanai and the pool from the Master bedroom Living room and the Kitchen. Master bedroom suite has double sinks with dual walk-in closets walk-in tile shower jetted tub. Tray ceiling and exquisite custom ceiling medallion. Formal living and Dining room with beautiful custom ceiling medalions to enhance the quality of this home. Kitchen and Family room have open concept maple cabinets pull out shelves new custom ROCK STONE WALL new quartz counter tops new stainless sink new faucet. Large island in kitchen open to Family room with a custom design with a ROCK STONE shelf. New washer and dryer in Laundry room with farmer s sink. Laminate and tile flooring...NO CARPETS Exterior Home has also been newly painted with new shutters. So many upgrades to this beautiful home to list them all. Home is move in ready.... Come take a look and close before the holidays.



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