Uthara Print Australia - A5 Leaflets (148 x 210mm)

Product A5 Leaflets (148 x 210mm)Quantity 50Amount 79.20Description A5 LeafletsA5 Leaflets are indeed the most popular flyer size that gets printed at Uthara Print. It is also convenient and provides a cost-effective method of advertising your business. A5 leaflets is definitely an affordable way to introduce your products and services to all your new prospects or if you looking to target new customers. Printed single sided or double sided leaflets the paper type could be from various options like un-coated gloss silk or Matt. Most popular quantity with A5 leaflets is 5000 and 10000 as it is used for bulk marketing.A typical size of an a5 leaflet in dimensions is 210mm high x 148mm wide (8.27 inches x 5.83 inches). A5 flyers are known to be the best choice amongst new business to advertise and are by far the most popular product order at Uthara Print. Our A5 leaflets are perfect for dropping into letterbox or for inserting into newsletters. A5 Glossy style leaflets full colour printed both sides designed and printed for night clubs bars pubs and clubs. Comparison of Paper Sizes from A3 to A6. Size Width x Height (mm)A3-297 x 420 mm A4-210 x 297 mm A5-148 x 210 mm A6-105 x 148 mmWe at Uthara Print will try our best and beat anyone of our competitors price quality and customer service. we re an experienced printing company that is capable of handling every job in the most professional and easy way. Our A5 leaflets are Superb value leaflets small quantity printed as Digital and larger run Litho printed in full colour to both sides and available in a choice of uncoated gloss and coated paper. Our paper range starts from 130gsm 150gsm 170gsm and leaflets become cards from 200gsm onwards. Orders of smaller quantities with flyers and leaflets are printed on our top excellent digital press or Litho press depending on the orders



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