Uthara Print Australia - A6 Promo Cards (105mm x 148mm)

Product A6 Promo Cards (105mm x 148mm)Quantity 50Amount 144.38Book Your order s utharaprint.com.au promo-cards-custom-design-print-service a6-promo-card-printing.htmlDescription A5 Promo CardsA6 Promo cards are an extraordinary option when it comes to face-to-face physical marketing thus enabling you to circulate your most recent news advancements and item contributions to a wide potential group of spectators who live close by. An A6 promo card can have a huge influence on direct mail marketing. Some smart uses of these A6 promo cards have been discovered nowadays in places like government facilities philanthropy education and even personal use. Whenever entrepreneurs and organisations start up a new endeavour using these A6 Promo cards can be an incredible way to get the message out on the street. A5 Promo cards printed from Uthara Print Australia speaks quality itself because we only use top quality materials to make our product like our A5 promo cards are printed on 250gsm Satin or 350gsm Gloss paper to ensure optimum quality and results also we print them on both the sides in full colour as per your choice that too in either gloss or matt lamination.DELIVERY Our standard delivery takes 5 to 6 working days we can also do 3 to 5 working day delivery for an additional cost. We could also provide same-day express delivery with premium costs. Please consult us before you order for same-day delivery.



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