Uthara Print Australia - A4 Folded A5 Leaflets (210 x 148 mm)

Product A4 Folded A5 Leaflets (210 x 148 mm)Quantity 25Amount 104.39Description A4 FOLDED TO A5 LEAFLETS These A4 folded to A5 leaflets works brilliantly as a mini brochure or price list as they can easily fit into your pockets and can be popped whenever needed and can give away the relevant information about your business and its services. Regardless of whether you need a swanky new printed menu a tourist attraction guide and even somewhere just to showcase the majority of your business merchandise and enterprises then these A5 folded leaflets are for you. As the name suggests these leaflets are folded from A4 thus are half of its size and can have multiple uses these folded leaflets can be seen in a hotel restaurant and at tourist attractions. An A4 folded leaflet is the perfect way to bring in more customers by conveying information in an accessible format. These leaflets work perfectly as a price-list maps and information handouts. At Uthara print Australia we print our A4 folded to A5 leaflets in different types of high-quality paper-like. 115gsm 150gsm 170gsm 200gsm and 250gsm. All of them are printed on both the sided with Gloss or Matt finish.DO YOU NEED HELP IN DESIGN AND ARTWORK At Uthara Print we have a dedicated team of professionals who will help you to design your product. They will work with you right from conception of the idea and until the idea is executed. Uthara Print is a place where we will guide you through the whole printing process so you don t have to go anywhere else for your printing needs.DELIVERY Our standard delivery takes 5 to 6 working days we can also do 3 to 5 working day delivery for an additional cost. We could also provide same-day express delivery with premium costs. Please consult us before you order for same-day delivery.



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