Uthara Print Australia - DL Postcards (99mmX210mm)

Product DL Postcards (99mmX210mm)Quantity 50Amount 77.00Book Your Order s utharaprint.com.au postcards-custom-design-print-service custom-dl-postcard-printing.htmlDescription Introducing DL Postcards 1 3rd the size of a standard A4 postcard works perfectly to entice your customers by sending them invitations or by telling them regarding your new special offers. A DL Postcard is a great choice for you if you are a new and upcoming organization and are on a tight budget as a DL postcard is on point compact and substantial thus keeping the costs at a minimal. They can be left in bunches on a cashier s desk or in piles for passing by tourists and be used in the form of travel postcards event invites discount promotions program listings and loyalty card schemes. At Uthara Print including 400 gsm Silk and 350 gsm bond we produce our 1 3rd A4 postcards in a range of most commonly used materials. Go for flat or crease and flat finish and the quantity bundle that best suits your project and your projected costs.NEED HELP IN DESIGN It doesn t matter if you are a novice or a professional designer in both cases our talented design team can help you out if you have a design already our team will make it a reality whereas if you need us to design don t worry we got you covered we will make your wildest imagination come true and help you create your postcardsDELIVERY Our Standard delivery is 5 to 6 working days we also do 3 to 5 working day delivery for an additional cost. We could also provide same-day express delivery with premium costs. Please consult us before you order for same-day delivery.



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