Uthara Print Australia - A4 Folded Z Leaflets (210 x 99 mm)

Product A4 Folded Z Leaflets (210 x 99 mm)Quantity 25Amount 104.39Description A4 FOLDED TO Z LEAFLETS An A4 folded to Z leaflet is a perfect fit for big images charts graphs and even maps. As the name says these leaflets can be easily folded to a Z form and can thus unfold easily and naturally in readers-hand. Also these folded Z leaflets are big enough so that you can add large text and artworks which makes it more presentable and forces the reader to open the brochure to see what it says. You have just one chance to make an impact and this A4 folded to Z leaflet can surely be worthwhile and help you in the process. These leaflets due to their structure are very easy to display and also take up very little space at a counter. Also if you have designed your folded Z leaflet in a proper way they are sure to bring in a great response. These A4 folded to Z leaflet are also very cost-effective which makes it a popular choice among the businessmen along with it these folded leaflets are also very easy to hand out to the general public. At Uthara Print Australia we print our A4 folded to Z leaflet in various paper materials like a good starting point in terms of weight for folded leaflets is 170gsm onwards however many clients also start from 130gsm definitely not 115gsm and all of them are printed on both the sided in full colour with either gloss or matt finish.DO YOU NEED HELP IN DESIGN AND ARTWORK At Uthara Print we have a dedicated team of professionals who will help you to design your product. They will work with you right from conception of the idea and until the idea is executed. Uthara Print is a place where we will guide you through the whole printing process so you don t have to go anywhere else for your printing needs.DELIVERY Our standard delivery takes 5 to 6 working days we can also do 3 to 5 working day delivery for an additional cost. We could also provide same-day express delivery with premium costs. Please consult us before you order for same-day delivery.



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