Uthara Print Australia - DL Leaflets (99 x 210mm)

Product DL Leaflets (99 x 210mm)Quantity 50Amount 71.28Decription DL LeafletsLooking for printing DL Leaflets DL flyers DL brochures and DL pamphlets. Order with us at Uthara Print we have an inhouse design studio and a team of graphic designers so we also offer design service The term DL actually refers to the size of a DL Envelope and the dimension is 110mm x 220mm. So typically when people say they wish to order a DL Flyer or DL Leaflet they actually need a Leaflet flyer that will insert into a DL Envelope. The correct term for this is 1 3 of an A4 which is 99mm x 210mm. DL flyers and leaflets are the sleekest of the marketing tool sets. The most Popular paper sizes when printing leaflets and flyers A4 (297mm x 210mm) is the largest. Uthara Print would recommend going when printing a leaflet or flyer. While you can print a leaflet onto A3 paper this tends to be used more for small print runs and can often resemble folded leaflets or as A3 posters. DL stands for dimension lengthwise and is a common size for envelopes and promotional materials such as brochures and flyers. Looking at the guidelines and printing industry resources the C Series in the ISO 269 standard defines DL size to be 99mm 210mm which is also exactly a third the size of an A4.We like to boast of Fast leaflet printing with guaranteed turnaround and Leaflets at Uthara Print are so versatile it s no surprise so many of our customers find them an essential part of their marketing strategy for building their business.Their tall and slim design gives them a sophisticated edge and their handy size makes them ideal for placing in leaflet stands price lists vouchers menus and invitations. Choose from our huge range of paper stocks sizes and finishes to fit your needs.We can ship all over Australia but love working with local people the best DL flyers and leaflets are a tall slim shape which will grab your customer s attention and ensure they read your marketing message. DL leaflets are often printed as tariff cards 250gsm 350gsm or 400gsm stock paper board. Get 1000 DL flyers printed at our most competitive rates 1000 leaflets are great for marketing events or local advertising. Every paperweight at fantastic prices.L flyer and leaflet printing on a choice of different paper stocks. Full colour printed leaflets with quick FREE delivery.A Dl flyer is a very popular flyer for marketing including letterbox distribution. At Uthara Print we print millions of DL flyers each month because DL is one of the most popular leaflet sizes used for promotion. DL Leaflets are the quirky alternative to a traditional flyer leaflet. These stand proud as a tall and slim take on the traditional sizes. These are perfect for use as as menus or pricelists as an example. Due to their sleek size and design they can hold a large amount of information - so can be used for product service promotion and sit neatly in table top holders at events reception areas and conferences. So why not take a different approach in getting your audience s attention DL finished size is 210 x 99 mm- Minimum Quantity 100- Different Paper Stock Weight to choose from- Litho & Digital Print Options (dependant on quantity)- Cheap and Affordable- Delivery in 5 6 business days from Artwork Approval and payment confirmation.We could also do next day despatch please call us



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