Shinobi Sushi is looking for full-timepermanent Executive Chef

Shinobi Sushi is looking for full-time permanent Executive ChefPosition Executive ChefTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 25.00 28.00 per hour (depending on experience)Hours 30 - 40 hours per weekBenefits 4% vacation pay Job Duties Maintain records of food costs consumption sales and inventory Prepare and cook food on a regular basis Supervise activities of chefs and cooks Plan special recipes and sauce for sushi sashimi and appetizers Requisition food and kitchen supplies Plan and direct food preparation in the kitchen Recruit and hire kitchen staff Employment Requirements Secondary school graduation certificate Experience Requirement 3 5 years of experience in commercial food preparation including two years in a supervisory capacity and experience as a chef. Language Requirement English Number of Positions 1 Location Maple Ridge BCCompany information 0830402 B.C. LTD. o a Shinobi SushiEmail address parks3662(at)gmail.comBusiness address 11867 224 st Maple Ridge BC V2X 6B1



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