Renault Caravelle Bumper in stainless steel

Our slogan MAKING YOUR CARS MORE LUXURIOUS IS OUR PRIDE Brand new bumpers with reasonable price perfect quality shiny like mirror cheapest and fastest delivery cost.Welcome to sgbumperscar bumpers We are a specialist manufacturing in stainless steel bumpers for classic car. Our slogan MAKING YOUR CARS MORE LUXURIOUS IS OUR PRIDE Our car bumpers are made of stainless steel SAE 304 DIN 1.4301 UNS S30400 18-20% pure chrome content thickness 1.5- 2mm.Back side of bumper is covered by 3 painted coats to protect bumper from chemicals weather elements. And these paint coats will make back side more smoothly and wonderfully. The gloss of bumper is shiny like mirror polish even better than chrome bumper.These bumpers will be never rusty. And the bumpers are duplicated from original sample bumper for fitting shape dimension etc... Especially we produce as Customers order with specify Item with stainless steel 304Don t wait any more kindly contact Ms. Jessi at ptt-jessi(at)sgbumperscar(dot)com for more information. I am horned to serve Customers around the world



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