Pomeranian Puppy Whitecream Pedigree

Luxury super tiny pure white pomeranian puppies available Dad is from Chiao li ya all white breeding. Mum is from Altina background and chiao lia ya. And their grandmother is uk champion white. Dad weighs 1.4kg mum weighs 1.7kg so puppy will be very small. 5 home only for this puppy please loving home no fulltime workers or small children. Please no bartering on the price as i will keep them if I don t get the price i am asking they will be outstanding quality. Stunning tiny beauty. Comes fully vaccinated microchip wormed de-flead. With food blanket and toys. Kennel club registration papers Puppy can leave at Eight weeks old Please Text us ..(501) 819-3807 PLEASE NO TIME WASTERS Thank you



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