ActiveChihuahua Pups

Our 3 beautiful chihuahua babies are now ready to be advertised for there new homes. They have just had their first vaccinations health check and microchips and they are wormed up to date and they are can now leave us with new familes.We have 2 white girls and 1 white boy mum is our white shorthaired chihuahua and dad is a white short haired chihuahua. Mum lives with us and will be here to meet with her babies.They have been raised in our living room and are used to lots of noises televisons hoovers washers our children ect. They are very brave friendly and outgoing as our children have played with them lots and cuddle them all the time. They are ready to leave now and will come with first vaccinations Microchip Wormed to date Flead as a precaution Text us ..(501) 819-3807Ready to leave us now. Pups have been vet checked and passed with flying colours Micro-chipped and fully vaccinated and are able to go outside for walkies now. All correct paper work is here ready for new owners.Text us ..(501) 819-3807



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