Corgi Mini Aussie Auggie puppies

I have 4 adorable female Auggies left for sale (Corgi and Mini Aussie mix) They were born on July 31st tails are docked dewclaws removed first shots on Sept 15th and wormed on the 20th.1) fawn & white with spots and blue eyes extremely smart. 2 3 4) are all tri color with white collars and brown eyes. One is the runt One is lighter and shy. One is tuff and outspoken ready to go to new homes between September 20th and 25th. all have there own cute personalitys are very healthy and active.Momma is a Corgi and daddy is a Corgi and Mini Aussie mix. they eat sold foods and are potty training now and doing well with use of pads.can txt me at 509-675-1397 or email me at pamelarose1598(at) or facebook MESSAGE me is best at Pamela Rose



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